1. High quality and consistent sleep, every night: 7-8 hours instead of barely 3-5 hours!
2. Greatly REDUCED sugar & caffeine cravings!
3. Reduced anxiety in high stress situations.
4. Clarity &Creativity of thought along with very little 'Mind Traffic'.
5. My therapy (OT) documentation, on my laptop, is more accurate & timelier than ever!
6. Unprecedented CALM demeanor in ALL Social Situations that once triggered distress or paralyzed me with Fear, Fight, Flight or Freeze Responses.
7. My comprehension in reading now allows me to read passages well the 1st Time, rather than reread & reread without understanding! My eyes once felt like they were 'vibrating'. That symptom has completely resolved!
8. Auditory sensitivities and visual distractions are no longer creating anxiety in my Daily Life.
9. My stuttered speech and loss of words is resolving as well.
10. My ability to prioritize &complete simple & complex tasks have also improved, greatly!
I could easily go on and on about how I have had such good results with this Supplement! Thank you for your commitment to helping Our Kiddos and also Helping Clinicians in our Personal Testimony, as we often recommend what 'works for us and our own kids'.
Thank YOU!
Thank YOU!
Thank YOU!
I feel like I am finally getting my LIFE BACK!
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